Persistent Na Conductance

Requirements: None
Limitations: None


This module creates a persistent sodium conductance with the option of adding stochastic or deterministic noise.

Input Channels

  1. input(0) - Vm : membrane voltage (mV)

Output Channels

  1. output(0) - Iapp : injected current (pA)


  1. Random Seed - seed for random number generator
  2. Noise On - 1 for stochastic channel, 0 for deterministic
  3. Vna - sodium reversal potential (mV)
  4. Gnap_max - maximum channel conductance (ns)
  5. Nnap - number of persistent Na channels
  6. pmax - maximum fraction of open channels
  7. tau_p - persistent Na channel time constant
  8. Vp_half - PNa half activation voltage (mV)
  9. dV - related to slope of activation curve (mV)