Potassium Ion Channel

Requirements: None
Limitations: None

K Channel GUI

This module presents an example of a potassium ion channel where I = G_K_max*a^3*b*(Vm-E_K).

Input Channels

  1. input(0) - Vm : membrane voltage (V)

Output Channels

  1. output(0) - Iout : injected current (A)


  1. G_K_max - mS/cm^2
  2. E_K - mV
  3. Junc. Pot. - junction potential (mV)
  4. rate - number of integrations per real-time period


  1. Vm2 - membranve potential (mV), same as input
  2. a - a-type potassium activation
  3. b - a-type potassium inactivation
  4. Time (s) - Time (s)