AM Amp 2400 Controller
Requirements: None
Limitations: None

Controls the AM Amp 2400 amplifier by scaling the gains on the analog input/output channels and sending a mode telegraph to set the amplifier mode (custom). Also enables scaling of custom AO offsets based on the gains of the selected amplifier mode.
- input(0) - I=0 Input from AI : Empty signal from analog input for 'calibrating' the input channel for I=0.
- input(1) - I=0 Input from AO : Empty signal from analog output for 'calibrating' the output channel for I=0.
- output(0) - Mode Bit 1 : Bit 1 of signal sent to amplfier
- output(1) - Mode Bit 2 : Bit 2 of signal sent to amplfier
- output(2) - Mode Bit 4 : Bit 4 of signal sent to amplfier
- Input Channel - Input channel to scale (#)
- Output Channel - Output channel to scale (#)
- Amplifier Mode - Mode to telegraph to amplifier
- Probe Gain - Gain - HIGH (10 MOhm) or LOW (10 GOhm)
- AI Offset - Offset the amplifier scaling (entered manually or computed based on current amplifier mode)
- AO Offset - Offset the amplifier scaling (entered manually or computed based on current amplifier mode)